Stefan Kaltenegger

Associate Technology Director at Work & Co
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I’m a developer and creative technologist from Austria living in New York City. Currently Associate Technology Director at Work & Co where I help build digital products for companies like Apple or Gatorade.

With the perpetual goal to build and ship best in class products, my work is laser-focused on optimizing collaboration of designers and developers. Read more about my strategy on How Frontend Developers Can Help To Bridge The Gap Between Designers And Developers.

From 2017 to 2021 I had the privilege to work at Wondersauce for clients like Tom Brady (TB12 Sports),,, Lowe’s and Crowdstrike. 

My writing has been featured in Smashing Magazine, Codrops and DESK Magazine. I guest-lectured at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Flatiron School Coding Bootcamp as well as at the University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria. 

For writing, speaking or teaching engagements please email me at 

Have a nice day 👋
